Welcome to UrbanLyfe Radio Station

Experience the pulse of the urban music scene with UrbanLyfe Radio Station. We bring you the latest hits, emerging artists, and local talent straight from the heart of the world.

24/7 Music Streaming

Tune in anytime, anywhere with our 24/7 music streaming service.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I listen to UrbanLyfe Radio Station?

You can listen to UrbanLyfe Radio Station by visiting our website and clicking on the 'Listen Now' button.

Can I request songs to be played on the radio?

Yes, we welcome song requests! Simply fill out our contact form and let us know the song details.

Do you offer advertising opportunities for local businesses?

Yes, we offer advertising opportunities for local businesses. Reach out to us for more information on our advertising packages.

“UrbanLyfe Radio Station has become my go-to for discovering new artists and staying connected to the city's music scene. The DJs are top-notch and the variety of genres keeps me coming back for more.”

— Emily Johnson

Contact us

Reach out to us for inquiries or song requests. We'll get back to you within 24 hours.


UrbanLyfe Radio Station
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

About us

UrbanLyfe Radio Station is a premier radio station in Philadelphia, serving as the voice of the city's music scene. With our team of talented DJs and extensive network of artists, we bring you the best in urban music, from hip-hop and R&B to soul and reggae. Our mission is to promote local talent, connect artists with their fans, and provide a platform for urban music enthusiasts to discover new sounds. Tune in to UrbanLyfe Radio Station and experience the vibrant rhythm of the city.

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